IN Brief

In Brief WEB
Relay For Life Captain
The 12th Annual Foothills Relay For Life team captain meeting is Thursday, Feb. 16 at 6 p.m. at the office of J’s Maids, 3550 Foothill Blvd. in La Crescenta. This year’s event will be held on May 12-13 at Clark Magnet High School.

Please join us if you would like more information on forming a team in our 24-hour walk to fight cancer. Visit for more information.

Trash Collection on Agenda
The County of L.A. Dept. of Public Works will be making a presentation at the Feb. 16 Crescenta Valley Town Council meeting to provide information regarding the proposed Non-exclusive Commercial Trash Collection Franchise project.

Paul Alva will conduct the presentation.

All are encouraged to attend.

CV Town Council meetings are held at the La Crescenta Public Library, 2809 Foothill Blvd. in La Crescenta.

Drivers Beware
A large number of California traffic tickets fines dramatically increased effective Jan. 6.
For example, those who do not stop at a red light will pay $436 in fines or those who pass a school bus with flashing red signals will be charged $616.

For a more complete list, visit and click on News.

Stream Restoration Hike Postponed
A stream restoration hike planned at Deukmejian Wilderness Park on Saturday, Feb. 11 has been postponed.

Dukakis to Speak
On Saturday, Feb. 18 at 1 p.m., the Southern California Transit Advocates is presenting Michael Dukakis, former governor of Massachusetts and candidate for president of the United States, who will speak on The Future of Rail and Transit in America. This will be in the auditorium of Angelus Plaza, 255 S. Hill St. in downtown Los Angeles, on the fourth floor.

The event is free and open to the public.

After the speech there will be a period for questions and answers. Light refreshments will be served.

For further information, call (213) 388-2364.

Garfield Campus Hosting Open House
An open house will be held at the Glendale Community College Garfield Campus on Wednesday, Feb. 22 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Community members will be able to take campus tours and see firsthand the new building and other improvements and get information on classes and certificate programs. There will be refreshments and prizes as well.  Admission to the event is free and open to all.

For information on the programs offered at the Garfield campus go to For more on the open house see the YouTube video at

The Glendale Community College Garfield Campus is located at 1122 E. Garfield Ave., Glendale.