UPDATE: Information on Student’s Death


UPDATE 11:41 p.m.
The Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office has released the name of the apparent suicide victim who fell to his death on Friday afternoon at Crescenta Valley High School.
Drew Ferraro, 15, was a sophomore at the school.
UPDATE: 5:57 p.m.
Press Conference Yields Little Information on Student’s Death


At a press conference today, Glendale Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Richard Sheehan released little information about the death that occurred at Crescenta Valley High School this afternoon, instead referring questions pertaining to the death to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Homicide.
“A tenth grade male student passed away as a result of a fall that is under investigation,” Sheehan said.
The boy fell to his death at the beginning of lunch period, about 12:19 p.m.
“Administrators responded immediately, paramedics were called,” Sheehan added.
School officials said the death was a result of a fall, but would not comment on whether it was a suicide. However, LASD Homicide Det. John Corina said it was an apparent suicide.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Unit handles deaths, including suicides, within the county.
“We are in the beginning stages of the investigation … but it does appear he jumped off the roof,” said Corina.
He added that he was not certain how the boy got on the roof and students were still being interviewed who witnessed the incident.
There did not appear to be anyone else on the roof with the student at the time of the apparent suicide, Corina said.
Questions were asked concerning bullying. Sheehan and Corina said that was still under investigation.
“There has been no mention of bullying on the campus,” Corina said.
However students reported that the boy was a victim of bullying.
After the death, students were evacuated, first to the front of the school and the basketball court, then later all were directed to the football field.
Parents stood in a long line, filled out a form and picked up their teen. PTSA members responded to help hand out the paperwork and help with the line of concerned parents, many who were obviously upset and concerned about their children.
Because of the location of the apparent suicide, several students witnessed the jump, heard the fall and/or saw the aftermath. Students that were direct witnesses were interviewed by detectives and spoke with crisis counselors from the district.
A crisis team was on campus and will be on campus throughout next week, or longer if needed, Sheehan said.
He added it was important for parents to speak with their teen about what happened at the school.
“We encourage parents to take an active role,” he said.
School will not be in session for three days, students return on Tuesday. Sheehan suggested parents take their child to Verdugo Hills Hospital or Glendale Adventists, if needed, for counseling help.
The investigation into the student’s death is ongoing.