Glendale Police Issues All Points Bulletin

Glendale has seen a slight uptick in vehicle theft and burglary in recent weeks. Please remember, you are the eyes and ears of the police department, so stay alert for suspicious activity and call us if you see something. Here are some tips to make you a harder target:

Third-row seat thefts

This is happening to SUV owners. Thieves will defeat a door lock and steal the third seat. Several have occurred recently along the Brand Bl. corridor in parking structures, but this activity has not been limited to that area. If you own an SUV with a third-row sear,

· Engrave the vehicle’s VIN number on the seat.

· Use a bicycle lock with a cable to secure the seats to the rear cargo hold downs.

· If the seat is not being used, take it out and store it at home.

Work van thefts or burglaries

This chronic problem is still occurring, but fortunately not as often as in past months. Vans containing power tools are targeted for burglary, or sometimes stolen outright from the parking location. If tools cannot be removed from the vehicle when parked overnight or for long periods, then every power tool should be engraved with the owner’s driver’s license number. This makes it harder to sell and much easier for the police to track to the proper owner.

Wallet thefts

There has been some increase in the downtown area, particularly from purses. When you are in a store or restaurant, please don’t leave any valuables unattended. Please don’t hang your purse on the seatback when in a restaurant, even if you are seated in the same chair. It is too easy to be distracted and not notice someone walking by and taking your wallet from the purse. Keep your purse visible.

Scams against residents

Solicitors may knock on your door to offer home repair (for instance, roof or driveway repair). They may be “high pressure” sales people, asking for a large amount or a down payment on the work to be done. They will leave with a down payment, or do work that is not legitimate. Another approach is for two or three suspects to be allowed into the home, and then distract the resident, allowing one or more of the suspects to wander and steal, or access the interior from another entry point.

If you find solicitors at your door, seeking to do home repair under these circumstances, do not let them into your home. Do not agree to any work at that time, and do not pay any money. Ask for business and contact information. Do not succumb to “high pressure” on your doorstep, but instead call the police. This is particularly important for elderly residents, as they are frequently preyed upon by scam artists.