Good Food, Fun Music and Dance Lesson, Too

Attendees to Jazz Night in the Café enjoyed desserts as the Crescenta Valley High School jazz band performed live music.
Photo by Lucian KUGLER

Jazz Night in the Café raised money for needed items at the high school’s music department while

By Lucian KUGLER

The Crescenta Valley community came together to experience an outstanding performance of the Crescenta Valley High School jazz band led by music director Mathew Schick. The event, Jazz Night in the Café, took place on Friday, Feb. 10 and offered the chance to support the school’s music program while having a fun night of music and dance with the talented jazz band. Crescenta Valley High School’s music program has a long history of turning out successful musicians and bringing the community together.

The night was packed with popular jazz compositions, including “88 Basie Street,” “When the Saints,” “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” and “Sing, Sing, Sing” among others. A dance lesson by Katrinka Blunt (her son Lachlan plays bari sax in the band) was held at 7:30 p.m. Students and parents danced throughout the night, enjoying the jazz club-like setting that had been created in the café for the evening.

Desserts, provided by music deparment supporters and donations by Berolina Bakery, were served throughout the event while the CV jazz band performed its renditions of classic jazz pieces. About $4300 was raised. That money is dedicated to purchasing new instruments, sheet music and other equipment needed to maintain the high standards of the program. It was a community affair that offered something for everyone.

The swing dance lesson was a highlight of the evening. The music was lively, and the dance floor was packed with enthusiastic participants. Both seasoned dancers and beginners joined in, and everyone seemed to be having a great time. The lesson took time to teach the basic steps while keeping things fun and engaging. By the end of the lesson, everyone in the room was feeling confident and ready to dance the night away. The energy in the room was electric, and it was clear that the swing dance lesson was a huge hit. With so many students and parents involved the community feel of the event was apparent. Even those who were initially hesitant to join in couldn’t resist the infectious energy of the crowd. Between the dance lesson and musical performances people couldn’t help but get up and move with everyone letting loose and having a good time.

“Jazz Night is held annually by the Crescenta Valley Instrumental Music Foundation at CVHS to bring the community together, to showcase our amazingly talented jazz students, and to raise funds for our entire instrumental music program,” said Ana Lee & Rola Masri, CVIMF Co-VPs of Special Eventsk.

Jazz Night in the Café at Crescenta Valley High School was a night demonstrating musical excellence and fun. The event showcased the talent of the school’s music department and was an opportunity to support an important cause. No doubit it was an evening that will be cherished for years to come.