In brief

CVTC General Meeting

The Crescenta Valley Town Council general meeting is tonight, Thursday, Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. It will be held via Zoom. To take part, dial (669) 900-6833; meeting ID is 283 256 4275, password is 626159. On the agenda is an audit report for 2021 and the 2022 budget; reports on bulb-outs and resurfacing pavement projects; and adding an outdoor gym at Two Strike Park.

Verdugo Wash Public Meetings Planned

The City of Glendale is hosting three meetings held consecutively regarding the future of the Verdugo Wash. The public outreach events will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 19 at Fremont Park, 600 Hahn Ave. in Glendale; at Verdugo Park, 1621 Cañada Blvd. in Glendale; and in downtown Glendale at 250 N. Orange St.

Attendees will learn about the project, provide feedback on the current design vision and participate in “visioning exercises” that will shape the future of the Verdugo Wash. A debriefing and after party will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

To RSVP, visit

Rosemont Preserve Open Gate Morning

An “open gate” event is taking place at the Rosemont Preserve on Sunday morning, Feb. 20. This is a chance for residents to visit the Preserve and wander the trail at their own pace and enjoy the tranquil setting, the wildlife and the natural beauty. Photographers: bring your camera to capture the morning light and citizen scientists, bring your iNaturalist app to add wildlife sightings!

The gate will be open from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., and Friends of the Rosemont Preserve Committee members will be available to answer questions and present this community resource.

The Preserve is located at the north end of Rosemont Avenue, just past the chain link fence. As street parking is limited, please park at Two Strike Park, 5107 Rosemont Ave. Those with mobility issues who require a closer parking spot should contact the Rosemont Preserve Committee.

Those planning on walking the trails should wear sturdy shoes.  

This event is free to the public and suitable for all ages; no reservations required. Rain cancels. Sorry, no pets please. 

For further information, contact the Friends of the Rosemont Preserve at

Community Workshop Planned for Foothill Boulevard Transportation Plan

Los Angeles County Public Works and the cities of Glendale and La Cañada Flintridge announced a new planning initiative along Foothill Boulevard, between Lowell Avenue and Oak Grove Drive, to better connect the cities of Glendale, La Cañada Flintridge and the unincorporated community of La Crescenta-Montrose. 

Public comment is encouraged as active transportation improvements along the corridor are explored, including new and upgraded bike lanes, safer pedestrian access, bus stop enhancements, and new street trees and landscaping. 

To take part and to learn more about the plan and how to get involved, attend the virtual meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 23 from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. via Zoom. Zoom link is; passcode: 174322;

call in: (669) 900-9128, webinar ID: 828 4938 3694.

Arbor Day 2022

The community is invited to support Arbor Day 2022 by contributing to the purchase of a tree to combat the last few years of intense drought and tree loss. A 24-inch box size tree (“specimen tree”) is available for $150; another option is supporting trees through the city with a suggested donation of $75.

Donation forms are due by Feb. 22. To donate by credit card, visit or fill out the mail-in form and return it with a check to P.O. Box 1307, Glendale, CA 91209.

Arbor Day observances take place on Tuesday, March 1 at 10 a.m. at Casa Adobe de San Rafael Park, 1330 Dorothy Drive in Glendale 91202. In case of rain, the observance will be held in the Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N. Verdugo Road, lower level.

CVCA to Meet

The Crescenta Valley Community Association will have its monthly meeting on Thursday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. The meeting will include discussion on local issues as well as an opportunity for foothill area residents to bring their own concerns. Contact the CVCA at with questions and for Zoom meeting information. All are welcome.