Like a Proud Mama
I went out of town last week after the paper was “put to bed” on Wednesday night, heading to Cambria (or as I put it, Cambriahhhh) for some much needed R&R. Phone reception is spotty in Cambria, so I did drag my computer along with me just to keep in touch.
Consequently, like many of you I received the news of AT&T’s change of plans in installing a cell phone tower in a local foothill neighborhood via the CV Weekly e-blast.
My first reaction after reading the email was holy cow! That was an unexpected development. But on the heels of that was a feeling of pride that reached several levels.
First off, I was proud that as quick as we got it, the information was put in the CV Weekly that the installation of the tower was a possibility (Jan. 30). According to neighbors of the proposed tower site, there was minimal notification that the property was being considered for the installation of a cell tower and the photo we put in the paper was what caught their attention. More than one commented that without the CV Weekly, they wouldn’t have known of this development until it was a “done deal.”
I’m also proud to be part of a community that knows how to rally around a cause so quickly. By the Feb. 6 issue of the paper, neighbors had begun gathering signatures for a petition and checked out other tower sites in the area. By Feb. 13, an organized group spoke at the Land Use Committee meeting to voice their concerns. This was followed up with residents appearing at the Crescenta Valley Water District meeting on Tuesday night to let the board know of their displeasure in how this matter was handled (CVWD owns the land on which the tower was to be installed).
Regardless of the outcome, I am proud of the contribution we made to our community by letting folks know of something that could affect so many. No “Johnny come lately” to the Crescenta Valley, CV Weekly is proud that when there is a story to be told, we are front and center.
When asked for her reaction to the news that the plans for the proposed cell tower were cancelled, neighbor Marilyn Tyler had high praise for her neighbors – and for us:
“When I started I was all alone and I felt like I was in a desert. Then I came across an oasis – people like Karin Kim and Richard Lyans – a newspaper – Crescenta Valley Weekly – that was a real newspaper that really looked into issues and expressed the concerns of the community, and a local government (Cheryl Davis of the Land Use Committee) that really cared and tried to represent the interests of the people.”
What better place is there to call home? I haven’t found one yet.