Animals Rescued from the Eaton Fire

The veterinary team at Pasadena Humane Society sedated the bobcat in order to take X-rays and bandage the paws.
Photo provided by Pasadena Humane Society

Due to the Eaton Fire, there has been an increase in wildlife, specifically bobcats, coming through the Pasadena Humane Society’s Sandra J. Goodspeed Wildlife Center. Sadly some have been struck by cars as their habitats burned and they were pushed into populated areas. Others have suffered from injuries directly related to exposure to the fire, such as smoke inhalation and burned paws.

A concerned Sierra Madre resident contacted the Pasadena Humane Society about a bobcat spotted in their area that didn’t seem to be moving. When the animal control officer arrived on the scene, the bobcat wasn’t attempting to flee, signaling that something was seriously wrong. The animal control officer transported the bobcat to Pasadena Humane where its veterinary staff discovered that the bobcat had burns on all four paws. The bobcat was also very thin, dehydrated and probably hadn’t eaten for several days.

The veterinary team sedated the bobcat in order to take X-rays and bandage the paws and then began treating the bobcat with medication. Then the bobcat started to eat. 

Recently, the burns had healed enough so that the bobcat was able to have two of the bandages removed with the other two to be removed soon. 

“We are hopeful for a full recovery for this bobcat, at which time she will be released back to the wild in an area where she can thrive,” stated a worker at the Pasadena Humane Society.

The Pasadena Humane Society – Eaton Fire animal rescue hotline is (626) 577-3752. People are encouraged to call to report:

  • Found animals (including pets, livestock, exotics and wildlife)
  • Lost animals
  • Animals left behind in an evacuated home or property

For Animal Control calls in the Pasadena Humane service area not related to the Eaton Fire, call (626) 792-7151 ext. 970.