Cool Cats Dance the Night Away

The CV jazz band brought the crowd to its feet and dancing the night away.

Jazz Night at the Café, an evening of swing dance to live music provided by the award-winning CV jazz band, was a resounding success according to organizers. The event, which took place on Friday night at the school’s cafeteria, was “fabulous,” bringing the crowd to its feet and dancing for hours.  

“There were over 240 tickets sold and guests enjoyed delicious donations from local bakeries and businesses: Black Cow, Donut Star, Berolina Bakery, Venice Classic Pastry and Gio’s,” said Leila Bell, president of the CV Instrumental Music (CVIM) Foundation. 

“As always, it was an enjoyable and memorable time in CVHS’ Café,” said Bell.

Photos courtesy of CVIM

A variety of desserts were provided by local businesses and parents.

Lauren Wockenfuss, president of the jazz band, introduces some of the songs of the evening.