Students Peek at Possible Futures at CVHS Career Fair

Crescenta Valley High School students will have a chance to learn what employers are looking for at annual career fair.

Photos courtesy of CVHS Career Fair
Ron Scott, PTSA Career Fair Chair prepares for students to arrive at last year’s fair.


What does the future hold for Crescenta Valley High School students? The answer might be found at the school’s annual career fair.

The fair, which will be held in the school’s quad exclusively for CVHS students, is aimed toward helping students discover what jobs are available to them after school.

“There is something for everybody,” said Ron Scott, PTSA member and coordinator of the job fair.

One theme Scott has focused on this year has been encouraging students to “soar like a Falcon.” Within the context of the fair, Scott hopes that students will be able to interact with CVHS alumni and see how “high” they can “soar” like other Falcons before them.

John Nelson

“It’s really cool to talk to somebody who actually went to CV,” said Scott.

This sentiment was echoed by Verdugo Hills Hospital CEO Keith Hobbs. Hobbs will be participating at the career fair and looks at this opportunity as a way to give back to the community he grew up in. A CVHS graduate (and University of Northridge after that), Hobbs hopes to show students they can achieve their goals, and, hopefully, even more.

“I want students to say, ‘I can set my goals higher and loftier,’” said Hobbs.

The event will take place from noon to 3 p.m. on March 4 and over 60 different careers will be represented. Participating professionals will be stationed in booths around the quad to speak with students.

Although many career opportunities at the fair are only accessible after high school and college, Scott was particularly excited to share that many local employers will be looking for students to hire now.

Before students begin touring the career fair, they will be asked to fill out the Holland Code Quiz, a form of personality test. After establishing their interests through the quiz, students will then see with what career types they are compatible.

Many local businesses, mainly restaurants according to Scott, will use the career fair as an opportunity to screen possible candidates for jobs. Hobbs also said the Verdugo Hills Hospital offers many volunteer opportunities and even a chance to shadow Hobbs.

As students enter the quad, Scott and other volunteers will be offering students a copy of “You and Your First Job,” a pamphlet created by the Professionals In Human Resources Association, the field that Scott works in. The pamphlet will help students when they begin searching for their first jobs.

Although Scott is only in his second year coordinating, he has a great amount of passion for the event and sees it as a way for students to network with people who may help them later. He said that “networking” is the best way to get a job.

One thing that Scott hopes to improve on in future years is a better representation of internship opportunities. Additionally, he hopes to continue to increase the number of CVHS alumni represented.

Presently, the career fair is overcapacity and can no longer accept any more business participants.