From the desk of the publisher


Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta  Valley Weekly. She can be  reached at  or (818) 248-2740.
Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.

There was a great movie released in 2014 called “Unbroken” directed by Angelina Jolie. It was a story of a man named Louis Zamperini who was a World War II hero who accomplished much in his life. While Louis may have been “unbroken,” unfortunately I am broken. This week I tripped and fell and ended up with a broken wrist, the first broken bone this 50+-year-old body has ever experienced and let me tell you – it hurt.

When I first fell I didn’t even realize I had broken anything; I thought that it was just sore. But it didn’t take too long before I realized that the damage was worse than just a sprain. So off to Verdugo Hills Urgent Care on Glendale Avenue which, as a side note, was like a second home to my family when the boys were young. We were in there constantly for any number of maladies whether broken bones, ear infections or anything else that could happen to young boys. On Monday I was fitted with a cast-like device and am heading in today, Thursday, to an orthopaedist to see what the future holds.

But what I really wanted to share with you was the overwhelming response that our readers had to Mary O’Keefe’s article last week regarding the diagonal crosswalk at Ocean View and Honolulu. Our readers rallied around this issue and were eager to share their thoughts and opinions regarding this addition to Montrose. To be honest, we were surprised at how passionately our readers responded to the crosswalk and we were very glad to be the ones to give voice to their opinions. We are still collecting comments; they can be submitted by going online to our Comments section at, by dropping or mailing a note to the office, by calling the office or even visiting our Facebook page and offering an opinion there. We are collecting all of these opinions and letting the City of Glendale know what our readers think (anonymously) and we also will pass this information (anonymously) on to the Montrose Shopping Park Association board of directors since they didn’t know that this was even going in. The board and the city are curious about what locals think about the idea, so I urge you to let your voice be heard. We will continue to collect these opinions (see page 6 to fill out the form) and in a few weeks will ask you again what your thoughts are because who knows? The diagonal crosswalk idea just may have grown on you. Those updates will also be presented to the MSPA and city officials.