By Nicole MOORE
Vartan Gharpetian, mayor of Glendale, addressed the board of directors of the Montrose Shopping Park Assn. at its March 5 meeting. The mayor listened as board members expressed their concerns about the Montrose Bakery property, which has been vacant for the last two years. The current property owner had plans to renovate the former bakery into a restaurant called The Pink Pig. However, due to unforeseen financial issues, the development of the property has been at a standstill.
“Our main concern is we don’t want to have a place empty if we can help the owner of the building in any sort of way,” said Andre Ordubegian, president of the Montrose Shopping Park Association. “But what is the next step?”
Mayor Gharpetian promised he would speak to the building owner regarding the concerns raised.
Next was an update by Sgt. Patrick Magtoto from the Glendale Police Dept. Magtoto reported that there was a burglary on Feb. 5 at Oceanview Jewelry and Gift Shop. At the time of the MSPA meeting, the GPD was still waiting for the results of the examination of forensic evidence to assist in identifying the perpetrators. Magtoto also discussed the 30 car break-ins on Pennsylvania Avenue during the month of February.
“Due to a series of lucky events, [the perpetrator] has been incarcerated,” reported Magtoto.
Dr. David Viar, president of Glendale Community College, addressed the board saying the college had completed its purchase of the Citibank property at 2350 Honolulu Ave. GCC will use the property for off-campus classrooms. Viar assured that this change would bring in business for the Montrose Shopping Village. But the MSPA members did state their qualms with the purchase, specifically regarding issues with limited parking that may negatively impact their businesses. Viar told the MSPA the college has begun exploring the concept of supplying a shuttle bus from the main campus to the Montrose classrooms to remedy the matter.
The MSPA reminds local residents of its upcoming Spring Wine Walk on March 10 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tickets are $45 per person and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the La Crescenta Woman’s Club. For more information, visit
The next MSPA meeting will be held on April 5 at the Personal Development Center, 2340 Honolulu Ave. The open forum meeting begins at 8 a.m.