IN Brief

‘Neon’ Topic of Meeting
The Historical Society of the Crescenta Valley will present the “Neon Lights of Los Angeles – Then and Now” on March 19 at 7 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Living. Guest speaker will be Eric Lynxwiler, author of “Knotts Preserved” and “Wilshire Boulevard.” He’ll be showing a slide show on the history of neon in L.A., along with what’s happening currently with restoration of historic neon signs and the emergence of neon art.

All are welcome to this free event.

Center for Spiritual Living is located 4845 Dunsmore Ave. at the intersection of Santa Carlotta.

“It’s Easy Being Green”
On Saturday, March 17 from 8 a.m. to noon the City of Glendale/Trails and Open Space will hold its third Saturday Wilderness Workday at Deukmejian Wilderness Park. The morning will consist of weeding (removal of the non-native invasive weeds) and watering recently planted trees.

This event is free. No reservations needed. The person using the “Best Irish Accent” throughout the day will receive a prize.

Heavy rain will cancel the event. Rain has been predicted for Saturday.

Check the phoneline (818) 548-3795 and look for e-mails with the latest updates.

‘Love and Fishes’ Needs Canned Goods
The Salvation Army Food Pantry, which provides food for many of the under privilege locally, is running out of food due in part to need that has tripled in the past two years. St. Bede School sixth grade class, Boy Scout Troop 507 and the Crescenta Cañada Rotary Club have teamed up for a food drive titled “Love and Fishes.” The goal is to collect as many cans of tuna possible between now and the end of March. Canned food can be dropped off at Crescenta Valley Insurance on the corner of Foothill and Pennsylvania. The canned food will be presented to the Salvation Army at their Annual Hoop Hero’s Game on April 1 at the Glendale High School Gym. The event will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

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