Councilmember Resigns Amid Conflict

Crescenta Valley resident Chris Kilpatrick resigned from his position as a member on the Crescenta Valley Town Council (CVTC) amid allegations regarding recent behavior outside a downtown Los Angeles bar.

Kilpatrick was recorded allegedly urinating outside the employee entrance to the business. Kilpatrick, who has retained legal representation, is also accused of accosting a manager of the bar.

CVTC president Harry Leon issued a statement on behalf of the town council.

“We expect our council members to uphold a high standard of behavior and we strongly disapprove of any conduct that is unbecoming and inappropriate for an elected public official,” the statement read in part.

Following the council bylaws, a special meeting by the council was initiated on March 13; however, prior to the meeting, Kilpatrick tendered his resignation.

“On March 14th in the early afternoon, prior to the special meeting, Councilmember Kilpatrick contacted President Leon and expressed his desire to resign from the council effective immediately. The letter of resignation was circulated amongst the council and notice was given to the public of his resignation and the council’s acceptance of his termination of position.

While we do not condone any of the behavior we observed on social media, we appreciate his three years of commitment and dedication to the community while serving on the council,” ended the statement.