From GUSD:
The GUSD Board of Education decided to again propose, as it had in 2011 and 2012, that April 24, 2014 become a non-work day, closing schools to allow staff and students to commemorate the Armenian Genocide as they deem appropriate. This proposal was initially presented to the GTA on Friday, March 8. The district’s proposal moved the last day of the first semester from December 19 to December 20. Unfortunately the District’s initial proposal was not accepted. Additionally, GTA’s counterproposal contained a conflict with a previously negotiated holiday in the Classified Collective Bargaining Agreement. The GTA countered with a request to exchange the Lincoln’s birthday holiday (February 10, 2014) for April 24, but the district was not able to move forward because that is also a negotiated holiday for all classified employees. The district offered another proposal to extend the school year by one day and agreed that their original proposal was also still an option. The district awaits a counter-proposal.
Dr. Richard Sheehan stated, “We are hopeful that GTA leadership honors the pledge made on March 5 to support the Board’s ongoing efforts to have April 24 be a non-work day by agreeing to one of the district’s proposals.”