A ‘Fairly’ Good Time Planned
The outlook for this weekend’s weather is good – and thank goodness because the 9th annual Hometown Country Fair is taking place at CV Park (at Dunsmore and Honolulu avenues in La Crescenta) on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Good weather has not always been a guarantee for this family-friendly event. Organized by the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce, the fair has met weather challenges over the last nine years. I’ve sat on the board of the chamber of commerce for more than 10 years now and was on hand for the first fair. It was in September over Labor Day weekend and man! Was it a scorcher! Temps in the high 90s or even low 100s greeted what few fair-goers ventured to CV Park.
The following year temperatures were much lower – and, as it turned out, much wetter. The skies opened up in the early afternoon with a monsoon-like intensity that forced us off the grass. Glendale PD was actually on hand to escort us off before we got washed away. Crazy!
We learned our lesson and changed the date from September to April and haven’t looked back since. We’ve had some cloudy skies, but nothing awful and this Saturday it’s looking like “fair-perfect” weather: temps in the 70s with zero – nada, no, zilch – chance of rain.
To learn all about the great things to see, do and eat, read Leila Bell’s article in the Business section on page 25. And plan to stop by the CV Weekly booth on Saturday!
Another bit of history – this one further south.
I had the awesome opportunity to attend the re-opening of the Brand Library two weeks ago. I had never gone to the library before but my interest was piqued when CV writer Ted Ayala chronicled some of the renovations that were being done to the facility. Standing in the exhibit space was so reminiscent of my time at Art Center College of Design when the Williamson Gallery hosted visiting exhibits. Such interesting people always attended and I walked away having learned something new.
The Brand Library & Art Center event was no different. I had the chance to visit with Councilmember Laura Friedman, share a quick “hi” with Councilmember Frank Quintero and spent some time with Mayor Dave Weaver. Two of the most interesting people I met were a Brand Associates patron who discovered the library in the late ’50s and has always been a supporter. Another was a gentleman who had worked in the library in the ’70s when he was a kid.
Both had fascinating stories of their time spent and memories made at Brand Library.
I hope you take some time to venture to the library. They are having so many exciting events; several are listed in the Calendar This section of Just For Fun and their website is up to date. http://www.associatesofbrand.org/