From the Desk of the Publisher

Hit – Again


Much to my disappointment, it appears that the dreaded cold/flu (depending on who you speak to) has tackled me once again – and I do not have the time for this nonsense!

As you might remember, I headed over to the new Adventist Urgent Care over by the Montrose Vons back in December in advance of boarding a plane to see son Danny graduate from bootcamp. I was feeling lousy and thankfully the doctor over there was able to give me something to curb the intensity of the bug. I thought that was it for the cold and flu season but it looks like the cold/flu circled back to catch me a second time.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.

I shouldn’t be too surprised; Keith Hobbs over at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital said that another round would be coming – and he was right.

But I refuse to be sick – I’ve got the Craft Brewfest coming up on Sunday, for Pete’s sake! Like most events that center around food (think Taste of Montrose – which is coming up on May 6), you can typically find me with a glass or plate in hand. This Sunday’s Brewfest is no different.

Along with sales people Sonya Marquez and Lisa Stanners and office manager Rachelle Miller, I’ll be at our CV Weekly booth greeting people and handing out copies of this week’s paper. In addition to saying hi to the many CV Weekly readers who will be on Honolulu Avenue, I’ve been promised the chance to slip away to taste some of the craft beer that will be featured as well as taste some of the fine fare that is being prepared for the annual Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce event. Tickets are available at and range in price from $10 (food sampling only beginning at 1 p.m.) to $55 for VIP tickets that give early admission to the Brewfest at noon.

Sunday’s Brewfest kicks off a month of busy-ness. Special Olympics Tri-Valley Regional Spring Games takes place on Saturday, April 14 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at CV High School. “Fans in the stands” are needed to cheer on the athletes. Montrose Church is coordinating volunteers, sponsors and fans. Email Scott Chamberlain for more info at

Then on April 21 it’s time for the Hometown Country Fair! This family-friendly event at CV Park has something for everyone and this year features a Parade of Cars at 11 a.m. These classic and vintage autos are a sight to see and after being presented at 11 a.m., they will be on display at the park until 4 p.m. There will also be food trucks, live music, inflatables, a dog parade and more. The gates open at 10 a.m. and the fun lasts until 5 p.m. The best part? It’s free to attend! Check out the ads in this week’s paper or visit the chamber’s website at

That’s not nearly everything; next week I’ll talk bingo and Taste of Montrose!