Glendale Police Department works with Glendale Fire Dept. to Save Baby

On April 20 just before noon, Glendale PD patrol officers responded to the 400 block of West Dryden Street regarding a baby not breathing. Upon arrival, officers were informed that Glendale Fire Dept. personnel were transporting the infant to the hospital. During transport, Glendale Fire Dept. personnel noticed the child demonstrated signs indicative of narcotics ingestion and administered Narcan. The baby responded immediately to the Narcan, indicating that opioids were ingested. Shortly after the baby and mother arrived at the hospital, the mother, 40-year-old Gertrude Harutunian of Glendale, refused to allow medical personnel to attend to the child and quickly left the hospital against doctor’s orders with the child. In fear that the baby would have a second overdose after the Narcan wore off, Glendale PD officers worked together with Glendale Fire Dept. personnel and went back to the residence to check on the child. Upon arrival, they noticed the baby was in the crib and appeared lethargic. The child was immediately transported back to the hospital by GFD personnel; while in transit a second dose of Narcan had to be administered. A Glendale police officer took the baby into protective custody in order to ensure the baby’s treatment and safety. Due to the fact that a child under the age of 1 year old had ingested opioids, detectives assigned to Glendale PD’s Assaults Bureau obtained a search warrant for the residence. The investigation is ongoing.

Harutunian was taken into custody and arrested for child endangerment and possessing controlled substances. The child is currently in stable condition.