7th Annual Prayer Breakfast Planned

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Danette Erickson and Harry Leon are putting finishing touches on the plans for the May 12 prayer breakfast.


Proceeds from this year’s event will benefit local youth programs.

According to a 2017 U.S. Census Population Estimate, nearly 25% of California is kids. Youth at the community level is a major reason why organizations in the Crescenta Valley fundraise and organize. Prom Plus, American Legion, La Crescenta Woman’s Club, The Firehouse and others are either youth-focused or have major programs that benefit youth. Among these organizations is the Crescenta Valley Town Council that, along with other local organizations, is hosting the 7th Annual Prayer Breakfast.

“We do this to support our youth activities in the community, such as Prom Plus, [and provide] scholarships and [meet] other needs,” said Harry Leon, event organizer and president of CVTC. “We want to encourage them and help them be part of our community.”

The keynote speaker of the event will be Supervisor Kathryn Barger who will be speaking on the topic “How To Protect Our Youth.” Leon cites her speech as a driving force and a primary reason to attend the May 12 event.

“We want to encourage all the adults in our local organizations who are involved with the youth, and hope they gain some wisdom from our speakers to see how to continue our crusade of helping our youth,” Leon said.

Prayer will reflect the Christian faith; CVTC reached out to other denominations and faiths to be co-celebrants at the event but, as of press time, received no response. However, the committee is open and interested in bringing in other groups. Regardless of faith, the prayer breakfast is open to all who care about helping the community’s young people.

“Because youth are everybody’s youth, it doesn’t matter the denomination, they’re our kids,” Leon said.

Leon added that previous breakfasts included other denominations and this year they would be welcomed as well.

“We have open hearts and open arms,” said Leon.

The prayer breakfast will be held on Saturday, May 12 at St. Luke’s of the Mountains Church at 2563 Foothill Blvd. in La Crescenta, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and free for students to attend. In addition to the presentation by Supervisor Barger, there will be a full breakfast and music by the CVHS Charismatics.

Leon encourages all adults, community members and students to attend.

“Our lives as adults are totally different. [Students’] lives are more complicated, more stressful than ours and that’s why we want to understand where they’re coming from,” Leon said. “It is not only us as adults but also as clergymen, business owners and community members who deal with [the youth] day in, day out. The breakfast is a way of exchanging ideas and [sharing] preventive measures if need be. [We invite the community to be] involved with your kids.”