Clarification Needed Following “Safer-At-Home” Update

Supervisor Kathryn Barger, chair of the Board of Supervisors,
Clarifies the “Safer-At-Home” Health Orders

“During today’s Board of Supervisors meeting, Dr. Barbara Ferrer indicated that the County’s health officer order would be in place over the next few months. Unfortunately, this statement was taken out of context and has understandably caused great concern by the public. Relaxing the restrictions in the “Safer at Home” order is an important focus for the County, which will be done gradually over the next few months.

“I am eager to reopen more of L.A. County as soon as it’s safe to do so, in collaboration with our health experts, community leaders, businesses and residents, with best practices in place to ensure our overall health and well-being. These decisions will be guided by the latest science and data collected. I’m confident that the more our communities continue to comply, the sooner we can resume normalcy.”