City Wrap

Altura to get speed lumps

The city will try to slow down traffic on Altura Avenue between Dunsmore and Boston avenues by installing four sets of speed lumps.

The traffic calming measure was requested by residents, 85% of whom endorsed the change.

Speed limit on the street is 25 miles an hour, but an engineering study found that a high percentage of the cars are driving 39 miles per hour or faster. Traffic on the street was in excess of 1500 cars per day.

City to develop bike
master plan

The city of Glendale is ready to start the process of revising the bicycle master plan to make it an improved part of the effort to improve mobility on local streets.

The draft plan was unveiled Monday for the transportation and parking commission by transportation director Jano Baghdanian.

Bagdanian said a task force would be named to hold meetings across the city, looking for suggestions on bikeway improvements. The city receives about $70,000 a year for bike related efforts through the Metropolitan Transit Authority, and also competes for grant funding.

Recommended bikeway improvements in the foothills area include Broadview from Roselawn to Verdugo Road; Dunsmore Avenue from Markridge Road to Foothill Boulevard  and Foothill Boulevard to Honolulu Avenue; Foothill from Lowell to Pennsylvania avenues, Honolulu from the west city limits to Dunsmore; Dunsmore from Honolulu to Fredrick Street; Honolulu from the west city limits of Whiting Woods Road; Whiting to Ramsdell, Whiting to La Crescenta, and Pennsylvania between Honolulu and Mills Avenue.

The city will also install bike racks throughout area and is considering plans for a “borrow a bike” facility.

All Beeline buses are currently equipped with bike racks.

Glendale is currently looking at a bikeway system, which could stretch some 40 miles of Class 1 2 and 3 facilities.

By Charles Cooper