A Different Charge of the Light Brigade

She can be reached at
robin@cvweekly.com or
(818) 248-2740.
I don’t know about you but I was curious when I saw random solar lights starting to dot the mountainsides surrounding the Crescenta Valley. I know many of our local residents have seen them, too, because CV Weekly has gotten emails and notes regarding the strange little lights. I wondered why they were there – were they to light trails along Mt. Lukens? Were they distress signals from hikers in trouble? Were they placed there by the Forest Service for some unknown (to me) purpose?
I wasn’t alone in my ponderings. I talked to a friend of the Goldsworthys, Mike Leum, who also wondered what those lights were along the ridge top of Mt. Lukens. After some investigation, he learned that the lights were not serving any real purpose. He even got information from personnel at the Forest Service, Angeles National Forest who confirmed that the lights were not placed there by them. Their law enforcement captain surmised that the lights were placed there by a “local” to see if anyone would notice. According to the district ranger, there was no special use permit in place for the lights and he wanted them removed.
Being a good citizen, Mike and a few friends – the new Light Brigade – headed to the general locations of the lights on the mountainside to see if they could be accessed. With the help of a “spotter” in the valley who offered direction, Mike discovered a few things about these lights. First, they indeed served no purpose. They weren’t pointed at any trails so would not aid hikers in any way. Second, they were pointed into town to draw the attention of us in the valley. On that initial journey, Mike and friends retrieved six of the nine lights. The booty was distributed to the group (if you want to see a photo of the lights visit our website) but before they could collect the remaining three, two new ones popped on above Deukmejian Park and two more above Palm Drive in La Cañada. We’re up to seven of the little buggers.
Mike has gotten some pushback from some who question why he would take property that wasn’t his. In addition to the fact that the person who placed the lights wasn’t serving any purpose but to cause annoyance and concern, and that the Forest Service wanted them gone, Mike said he likes seeing the outlines of the mountains unhindered plus there’s scientific evidence that artificial light damages animals.
His work has not gone unnoticed; there is now a bounty on the lights with one local stating that he will donate $10 to the charity of Mike’s choice for every light he brings down the hill.
Happy Birthday to … me! I hope you will join me in celebrating the 38th anniversary of my 21st birthday.