Reflecting on the End
of the (Sch
ool) Year
Typically, thinking back on a year that is coming to an end takes place around Jan. 1. As for reflecting on the end of a school year … well, it’s been years since I’ve reflected on my own school years. But when raising children, knowing the school calendar by heart is something a parent instinctively knew. And, as a parent, when June rolled around I would think back on the accomplishments (and shortcomings) of my kids over the past nine months. But with my youngest having graduated in 2011, I now have the opportunity to reflect on the previous school year with less of a vested interest and more of a general interest. Because of my involvement with Prom Plus, I am able to connect with CVHS students through the Prom Plus Club. Over the last nine months, I’ve had the opportunity to attend a couple of club meetings on campus and the prom – and Prom Plus – was on May 24. This year’s attendance to Prom Plus was absolutely stellar with over 450 kids stopping by the Y. The kids had a great time and I’m so proud of the Prom Plus team that had to jump over all kinds of hurdles to pull this year’s event together. Thanks to all who helped make it happen.
Learning about kids on a more personal level is something that my husband Steve and I get to do through our work with a scholarship committee we sit on. Working with the Community Foundation of the Verdugos, we receive applications for scholarship funds that we distribute each year. The applications detail the lives of the applicants, giving us a peek into the hard work, the hopes and the dreams of these prospective recipients. Some come from little money, others with life-threatening illnesses and yet all have a determination to attend college, to move forward with their life in a way that will better not only them but also the world. It’s inspiring.
We’re not the only ones who have this privilege. So many organizations in the Crescenta Valley, from the chambers of commerce to many of the service clubs like the Rotary, Lions and Elks, raise money throughout the year to fund their scholarships. Like I said, it’s a privilege … but also a responsibility. Thankfully most consider it a responsibility worth carrying.
I invite you to take part in any and all opportunities to fund these scholarships, whether it’s attending a pancake breakfast or a golf tournament (there’s two coming up). Stop by our Youth section this week to see some of this year’s scholarship recipients. Also featured are photos of many of the area’s gradates – the faces of those who will be making a difference in our community and beyond.