GUSD Prepares for Another Tough Fiscal Year


Although the Glendale Unified School District schools are out and summer vacation has begun, the GUSD Board of Education is not quite done.

With still one more meeting left in the 2018-19 academic year, the board met on Tuesday to discuss the budget for the upcoming school year. The budget for the 2019-20 year is not ideal, predicting a budget deficit of nearly $4 million.

“That’s a glimpse that ’19-’20 is not a good funding year,” said GUSD Chief Business and Financial Officer  Steve Dickinson.

The “glimpse” Dickinson was referring to comes from the state funding from the Costs of Living Adjustments (COLA). The district is anticipating an increase of roughly $5 million due to COLA, but Dickinson believes that nearly $8 million would be a better amount to help the district break even.

The district’s main funding comes from the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), based on a district’s average daily attendance. Thanks to the nearly 25,000 students attending to GUSD schools, the district will receive just under $240 million in state funding. LCFF will provide approximately 80% of the GUSD budget during the 2019-20 school year.

Dickinson also wanted to address hearsay that income from the California State Lottery will significantly bolster the GUSD budget. Dickinson made it clear that, although he is thankful for the money the lottery provides, in reality lottery income accounts for only $4 million of a nearly $300,000,000 budget.

“It doesn’t save the day but it’s definitely an important component,” said Dickinson.

He also prepared the board for additional cuts for the upcoming year. The district made approximately $5 million in cuts during the 2018-19 year, helping to avoid a $9 million deficit for 2019-20.

Although Dickinson was primarily preparing the board and public for another tight fiscal year, he also wanted to praise the district for its excellent work and “conservative” financial decisions.

“I always like to end positively,” said Dickinson. “The district, [and] California, will definitely get through this time and get back to making equally difficult but more positive decisions.”

The meeting was not entirely focused on the fiscal aspects of the district, but also made special commendations to the students of GUSD.

Members of the Verdugo Academy ASB were recognized for providing a prom for the disabled students at the College View School. This was the second year that Verdugo Academy provided a prom for College View.

“I think one of the most important things our students learn to take with them is character,” said board member Shant Sahakian. “These students are great examples of that.”

GUSD Student Board Member Sophia James was also recognized for her work with the GUSD board. James, a Crescenta Valley High School senior, was tasked with going to other GUSD schools and reporting on current events and campus culture.

“You truly embodied and represented all of those 25,000 students,” said interim Superintendent Dr. Kelly King.

James will be attending Glendale Community College and could possibly continue her involvement with the GUSD board.

The GUSD board normally meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The final meeting of the 2018-19 year will take place on June 18 and the first meeting of the 2019-20 year will take place on July 16.