Scholarships and Flags
One thing among many I enjoy about living in the Crescenta Valley is the generosity of our residents and businesses. This was demonstrated earlier this year when CV Weekly extended an invitation to our readers to become premium subscribers, offering various tiers of subscription that provided various “perks.” This was an opportunity for our readers to financially support the paper, to invest in its future and to strengthen the reputation that the CV Weekly is truly the community’s newspaper. I was humbled by the response we received and am grateful to know that this paper means so much to so many. I’ve shared in the past how much I value receiving a note thanking us for an article written or for just producing the CVW every week. For me, it makes living here an honor.
On Saturday morning, I had the pleasure as a representative of Prom Plus to attend the annual Lions Club scholarship luncheon. It was inspiring listening to the dreams of the scholarship recipients. I know it must have been difficult for the Lions’ scholarship committee to decide which applicants to award scholarships. As part of the luncheon, Prom Plus Club, the student-run arm of Prom Plus, awarded its first ever scholarship to a graduating senior. Though it was far from a king’s ransom, it was given with love and respect and I know that the recipient was touched by the Club’s generosity.
In May, I also attended a morning breakfast scholarship distribution hosted by the Community Foundation of the Verdugos. I sit on the board of one of the funds that the Foundation oversees. Our group awarded several scholarships, as did several of the other groups, which is why the Community Foundation of the Verdugos was hosting the scholarship breakfast.
When reviewing the applications for our fund’s scholarships, I was amazed at how hard-working the applicants were and how many volunteer hours they donated to the community – all while maintaining strong grades. Some had to also deal with health issues, either their own or those of a member of their family. I was proud to be able to support their desire to attend college and knew that others at the Foundation breakfast felt the same.
There are so many generous organizations in our community eager to support our young people heading off to college. We’ve showcased some of the organizations and the recipients in our Youth section this week.
Another example of giving to the community – or in this case the nation – was demonstrated by local resident Vito Cannella. Vito is an immigrant to America and loves his adopted country. Several years ago, he worked with other local civic and business leaders to build on the idea of Flag Day to petition for Flag Week.
Vito was honored for his efforts by the American Legion and VFW this past Saturday at a breakfast at the American Legion Hall. You can read his story about establishing Flag Week in our Between Friends section on page 17.