Who needs New York art exhibits when there is the McGroarty Arts Center? Nestled in a tree filled location this historic stone structure is used to having artists from all mediums walk through its doors but until June 26 the type of art at the center is all about ceramics.
This is the seventh year McGroarty has hosted the American Ceramic Society’s art exhibit.
“People wait for this event,” said Claire Knowlton, McGroarty executive director.
The center’s curator and ceramic instructor Brain Peshek started the exhibit along with fellow teacher Ray Yocum. Knowlton said they wanted to bring professional artists to the center where so many new ceramic students were taking classes.
“It is also an important opportunity for those in the Tujunga and Sunland areas to bring this type of exhibit here,” she added.
This year the American Ceramic Society approached McGroarty because they were so impressed with the presentation in past years, Knowlton said. The exhibiting artists were chosen by the society.
“I did not do any art until I was 60 years old,” said artist exhibitor Nina Kellogg.
That was over 10 years ago and her art continues to inspire. Kellogg creates large wall art pieces. She said creating the pieces is not a problem.
“But finding someone who will give me wall space, that can be a problem,” she joked.
She has two pieces of art on exhibit at the center. One, titled Spotted Zebra, is one large piece and the other, Gabriel Blows, is nine pieces.
“You see you look at it this way and it is a bird. Tilt your head the other way and it is a cat,” Kellogg said of the Gabriel piece.
By trade Kellogg is a psychologist but art is her pleasure and her passion.
The artwork is all for sale with prices for every budget. The professional artists’ exhibit is on the main floor and upstairs is McGroarty’s art students’ work. All of those pieces are on sale as well. The McGroarty Arts Center receives a portion of the proceeds from the sale of all exhibited art.
The show runs through June 26, Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. And anyone who is interested in exploring his or her artistic side can check out the center’s summer schedule at www.mcgroartyartscenter.org. The McGroarty Arts Center is located at 7570 McGroarty Terrace, Tujunga. To contact the center visit its website or call (818) 352-5385.