Done with that Couch? Don’t Dump Illegally – Call for Pick Up


Because of the Safer-At-Home Order issued due to COVID-19 many people spent the time at home cleaning out closets and reorganizing their homes and yards. But with all the cleaning and clearing came the challenge of what to do with furniture and large items that were no longer wanted. Donation centers like Goodwill were closed during the initial Order so some people took their unwanted items and just left them on the street.

In one morning in the Glendale and La Crescenta areas, CVW found four mattresses (one with a bed stand), a couple of sofas, a chair and a vacuum cleaner lying on the side of neighborhood streets.

There have always been large items dumped on local streets, even prior to the pandemic. Briggs Avenue below Foothill Boulevard seemed to be a favorite dumping spot in La Crescenta/Montrose, and one resident in Glendale said she felt the problem had gotten worse since the Safer-At-Home Order.

But there is no need for this illegal dumping. Both Glendale and the unincorporated area of Los Angeles County have programs for bulky item pick-up.

  “This is one of those issues that ebbs and flows with individuals moving in and out of residences,” stated Eliza Papazian, spokeswoman for the City of Glendale. “We have seen an increase in bulky item pick-up [since Safer-At-Home].”

Over the years the City of Glendale has done outreach to educate individuals, property owners and apartment managers on the bulky item pick-up program offered, which is a free service. However, there are still those who feel it is easier to leave the items outside the residence without calling for pick-up.

“We have also created public service announcements that get aired on our various social media platforms, newsletters and Channel 6 on a regular basis, and have installed banners at several highly visible locations that inform the public of the free service we provide,” she said. “Please be assured that we empathize on the issue of illegal dumping and agree that that the prompt removal of these items helps to prevent blight and ensure that our neighborhoods are well-maintained.”

Community members can report bulky/abandoned items through various platforms, either by calling (818) 548-3916, utilizing the MyGlendale app, or completing the electronic form on the city website. Those placing bulky items outside are asked to report them for pick up approximately three working days prior to the refuse collection day in their area.

“We greatly appreciate and encourage residents to continue reporting these types of observations, as well as other quality of life issues, as soon as they see them because these types of issues are indeed an eyesore and could consequently exaggerate the problem,” Papazian added.

Once the reports are received, they are logged, scheduled and items picked up by the Public Works Integrated Waste Division. The fines for illegal dumping are $100 for the first offense, $200 for the second, and for three-time and subsequent offenders, $500. Continued violations could be referred to the City Attorney’s Office for prosecution, which can bring a fine of up to $1,000 or imprisonment not to exceed six months; but that would be a rare occurrence and hasn’t happened. If illegal dumping is observed, it should be reported immediately by calling the Glendale Police Department’s non-emergency line at (818) 548-4911.

“We must all work together to reduce illegal dumping by informing our neighbors of the process and contacting the City as soon as you see an item in front of your property,” Papazian said.

In unincorporated La Crescenta/Montrose, the local garbage service Burrtec has bulky item pick-up days for its customers at no extra cost, twice a year. Residents are asked to call at least 24 hours in advance, (800) 325-9417.

If someone in the unincorporated area of LA County finds bulky items that have been dropped at their residence or on any street in the unincorporated portion LA County – La Crescenta/Montrose they can call (888) 838-6746 or download The Works iPhone or Android applications. The Works application offers a one-stop solution for residents in the unincorporated areas of LA County to address and track nuisances of illegal dumping and property violations.