PRIDE Flags Stolen

This person was seen climbing the pole at St. Luke’s of the Mountains and stealing a PRIDE flag that was on display.
Surveillance footage provided by St. Luke’s


Several PRIDE flags and one banner were stolen from the area during the month of June, PRIDE month. One flag was taken from St. Luke’s of the Mountains Episcopal Church; the banner was stolen from Crescenta Valley Park; other flags were stolen from local homes.

On June 23, a little after midnight, a man climbed the pole that holds St. Luke’s of the Mountains signs inviting all to come and celebrate its 100th anniversary. Church members know it was a man who climbed the pole because he is on the church’s surveillance footage. The footage revealed a white vehicle driving westbound on Foothill Boulevard. It drove past the church at 2563 Foothill Blvd. The vehicle turned right (north) onto Rosemont Avenue, slightly outside the frame of the surveillance camera. Then a man appeared to get out of the vehicle and walked toward the church’s banner signs. He looked around briefly to see if anyone was watching, then climbed the pole and struggled to rip down the PRIDE flag, which had been secured at the top. The white car drove southbound on Rosemont Avenue, turned left (east) on Foothill Boulevard, passed the church as the suspect continued to struggle to get the flag off the top of the pole. The same white vehicle then appeared again driving slowly westbound past the church then again turned right (north) onto Rosemont Avenue. The suspect finally was able to pry the flag from the pole and took off running, apparently getting into the white vehicle.

The thief was seen climbing into this vehicle, which had traveled back and forth in front of the historic church.

“I think [the theft] signals that the LGBTQ community being accepted by our church is upsetting to some individuals,” said Father Guy Leemhuis of St. Luke’s about the theft. “Some think they get to dictate God’s love only for the few. But God’s love is extended to everyone.”

The theft was reported to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. (LASD) and has been assigned to Det. Aaron Gonzales.

At present the incident is being investigated as a theft; however, the detective is looking at all angles and if it is determined this was an act of potential bias against the LGBTQ community it could be considered a hate crime, said Sgt. Gilbert of the LASD-CV Station.

The LASD CV Station is asking the public for any information regarding this incident. Those with information are asked to call Det. Gonzales at (818) 236-4014.

A PRIDE banner was also stolen from the front of Crescenta Valley Park at 3901 Dunsmore Ave. The incident was reported to the LASD Parks Bureau. The incident is being investigated by the detective bureau and is being investigated as a hate crime until it is determined that it is not, according to a LASD Parks Bureau spokesman.

But the thefts were not limited to public locations. PRIDE flags were also stolen from private homes.

A La Crescenta resident said a PRIDE flag was stolen from the front porch of his/her house on the same night the flag was stolen from St. Luke’s. CVW is not sharing the resident’s name due to concern for privacy and safety.

The family replaced the flag but it was stolen again.

“[On Tuesday] my husband was in the kitchen and heard a commotion outside,” the resident said.

The husband went outside and saw what appeared to be a few high school kids who had torn down the flag. He confronted them but they ran away.

“They came back later and returned the flag [although damaged] with a note that said it was done on a dare and they would not do it again,” the resident said.

It does bother the family that these teens felt emboldened to commit this act and perhaps didn’t understand what it meant. The flag, for the family, shows its support for the LGBTQ community.

“We fly the [PRIDE] flag because we believe in supporting all people,” the resident said, adding that being on a route to Crescenta Valley High School the family felt showing this support meant even more to those students who may be part of the LGBTQ community.

“We know of members of the Gay Straight Alliance [club at CVHS] were targeted in specific ways last year,” the resident added.

There are about four houses in the neighborhood that have PRIDE flags. The concern remains that a person came onto the family’s front porch to take the down the flag.

Throughout June there was an increased number of reports across the nation of PRIDE flags being torn down, stolen, destroyed and burned. According to reports, online extremists during June were sharing a hashtag that encouraged the theft and destruction of PRIDE flags. The online challenge was titled “capture the pride flag.”

This may be a movement to intimidate; however, those in the area who had their flags stolen said they will continue to support the LGBTQ community.

“Our congregation is best described as annoyed by the incident but not deterred in our message of being the love church where all are welcome. We pray for these young men who stole our flag and hope they rethink such behavior in the future,” Leemhuis said. “The flags will fly all year long.”

The church is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Leemhuis said the church will continue to model “God’s inclusive and unconditional love in our beautiful Crescenta Valley community and thank everyone for their support.”