From the Desk of the Publisher

Did You Know?

It always amazes me when we’re asked about something that went on around town but no one told us about it. Case in point: Apparently Rosemont Middle School hosted a meeting regarding what parents wanted in a new principal since Cynthia Livingston announced her retirement at the end of the school year.

No one from the school district told CV Weekly about this meeting nor, apparently, were parents notified since only about nine parents showed up at this very important meeting. This is unbelievable when you consider how engaged our community is up here. If our input is sought, by golly we’re going to give it. It makes one wonder if indeed input was truly wanted on this subject.

CV Weekly prides itself on the relationship we have with our community. For example, we were contacted early on regarding the pot that was found along the La Crescenta Avenue off-ramp of the 210 freeway on Saturday morning. We were quick to Tweet it out and put it on Facebook and our website.

And I chuckle when I think how often Mary O’Keefe is told, “Of course you’re here!” when attending a community function. For example, she was at the open house hosted by the library on Saturday afternoon. Librarian Marta Wiggins welcomed several groups from the area for Discover an Organization! from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Among the groups were members of the Crescenta Valley High School robotics team along with liaison Lynn Repath-Martos, the Historical Society of the Crescenta Valley, Friends of the Library, the local coin clubs, Friends of Rockhaven, the CVCA, chamber of commerce and, of course, Mary and I were there representing Prom Plus. We all were given a chance to introduce ourselves and talk about what our organization was all about. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and given the chance to share the passion we all have for our groups.

If you’re in the mood to get together with thousands of like-minded individuals, be sure to make your way to the 24th Annual Cruise Night on Saturday night. From 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., hundreds of classic cars will be lined up along Brand Boulevard in Glendale. Their owners will be there, too, to answer questions about the restoration process, care and maintenance of these beauties. There will be food for purchase and live music. The night ends with a dynamic fireworks show. And it is free to attend! Sonya Marquez, Kevin Mallett and I will be at the CV Weekly booth between California and Broadway. Stop by and say hi!


With summer in full swing, our barbecue is getting a work out! Whether burgers and hot dogs or chicken and ribs, we love cooking (and eating) outside.

I hope, like me, you’ll take a minute and check out the Gelson’s flyer in this week’s issue. Not only are they a valued advertiser with CV Weekly, but they also offer savings for our readers – just see the coupon on the back of their flyer.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.