Temp Move for Fire Station 63
According to Stephanie English, community services liaison with the Los Angeles County Fire Dept., local fire Station 63 personnel has been temporarily relocated effective Aug. 1. The relocation should last between five and six weeks and is to accommodate extensive interior and exterior remediation for the station, which was built in 1951. The temporary location is 3040 Foothill Blvd. in La Crescenta, about 0.2 miles away from the permanent station at 4526 Ramsdell Ave. The fire station phone number remains the same (818) 248-2741. Station personnel will continue to respond to emergency incidents, perform fire prevention inspections and participate in ongoing training from the relocation site. All business operations and public inquiries will be available at Fire Station 19 located at 1729 W. Foothill Blvd. in La Cañada Flintridge.
HSCV Offers History Lesson
The next meeting of the Historical Society of the Crescenta Valley is on Monday, Aug. 15 at 7 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Living-La Crescenta.
The topic will be Teaching History: An Examination on How History is Taught in Today’s Schools.
Fifty years ago California schools were among the top in the nation, but sadly today they are ranked close to the bottom. What has caused this radical change? Guest speaker Lynn McGinnis, a retired history teacher, will talk about teaching methods, and lead a discussion on the differences from a half a century ago. McGinnis was a proponent of “hands-on learning” at Rosemont Middle School, leading students on the American Freedom Tour of important sites in the formation of our country, and starting the still popular Civil War Day.
McGinnis started teaching history after retiring from a full career as a corporate executive. He taught American history at Rosemont Middle School for over a decade before retiring a second time. He remains active in the community.
Center for Spiritual Living-La Crescenta, 4845 Dunsmore Ave., La Crescenta
GUSD Sells Measure S Series “C” Bonds
On Aug. 4, Glendale Unified School District (“District”) successfully sold its $70 million General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2011, Series C (“Bonds”). The Bonds were issued as part of the $270 million Measure S bond measure approved by voters in 2011.
Prior to the sale, the District received a credit rating upgrade from ‘Aa2’ to ‘Aa1’ from Moody’s Investors Service and a credit rating affirmation of ‘AA’ from Standard & Poor’s. Each of the rating agencies noted the District’s strong finances and local economy.
The strong credit ratings and the District name distinguished its bonds from other financings sold in the marketplace.
While the District had $70 million in bonds to sell, it received $231.345 million in orders from investors, or 3.3 times oversubscription. The broad investor participation included 38 separate institutional investors such as money managers, bank trust departments, and casualty & insurance companies. The excess demand for the District’s bonds allowed it to achieve even lower interest rates than projected. The bonds also benefited from the historically low interest rate environment. The bonds ultimately achieved a very low all-inclusive interest cost of 2.78%, and a net repayment ratio (debt service ÷ principal) of 1.45 to 1, far below the legislative cap of 4 to 1.
Rosemont Preserve Restoration Day
The community is invited to the Rosemont Preserve Restoration Day on Saturday, Aug. 13 from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. to help protect the natural habitat at Rosemont Preserve. Volunteers will be tending to native plants, removing invasive plants and doing some light trail maintenance.
Wear sturdy shoes, comfortable clothes and garden gloves (long pants and sleeves are recommended). Tools will be available.
The Preserve is located at the north end of Rosemont Avenue, just past the chain link fence. As street parking is limited, please park at Two Strike Park, 5107 Rosemont Ave.
This event is free to the public and suitable for all ages and no reservations required. Rain cancels event. Sorry, no pets please.
For further information contact the Friends of the Rosemont Preserve at RosemontFriends@gmail.com.