New Housing Ordinances Generate Conversation at CVTC Meeting


The Crescenta Valley Town Council met Thursday evening for its monthly meeting. While the summer has not seen huge changes in the Crescenta Valley, there could be some on the horizon.

The main topic of the meeting was something previously reported on by the CVW: California State Assembly Bill 516. AB 516 creates more lenient laws for long-term street parking of vehicles, including recreational vehicles.

“We’re not being insensitive to the homeless,” said CVTC President Harry Leon, “but our [mandate] is to take care of our community.”

Many citizens and councilmembers were worried that if AB 516 were to become law, Crescenta Valley streets would be filled with long-term parked vehicles. District 43 Assemblymember Laura Friedman has voted in favor of this bill.

CVTC member Daniel Kim, the head of the Streets and Transportation Committee, suggested writing a letter to Friedman to express the community’s apprehension about AB 516. Additionally, Kim recommended sending a letter to State Senator Anthony Portantino.

Another hot topic of conversation was proposed Los Angeles County housing ordinances. Four new ordinances are being considered that would affect the Crescenta Valley, mainly the By-Right Housing Ordinance.

Like the other ordinances presented, the By-Right Housing Ordinance is only in its early stages and, according to county representatives, will not come into play for at least one year. The ordinance would allow for some affordable housing projects to be streamlined. Many citizens were concerned that this would greatly change the dynamic of the Crescenta Valley, particularly on the main commercial zone along Foothill Boulevard.

Another ordinance that came under fire during the meeting was the Interim and Supportive Housing Ordinance. This ordinance would work to provide a safe housing environment for homeless within Los Angeles County.

Projects under these ordinances would not be homeless shelters, but rather a jumping off point to more stable housing. Units built under the Interim and Supportive Housing Ordinance would include services for homeless to re-enter a stable lifestyle, including career counseling. Under the current wording provided by the County, this would only provide short-term living solutions for the homeless.

Councilmember Donna Libra voiced concerns that people eligible for this type of support would need assistance beyond safer housing. Mainly, she was worried a homeless person with mental disease or drug addiction would require further treatment or rehab at the taxpayers’ expense.

The CVTC meets the third Thursday of each month. Meetings start at 7 p.m. in the upper room of the La Crescenta Library, 2809 Foothill Blvd.