American Legion Post 288 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1614 held their highly anticipated bingo game on Friday night, Aug. 16 at Healy Hall at Holy Redeemer Church in Montrose. Over 170 players showed up, plunking down at least $25 for 10 game cards; each card had four possible winners on it giving the cardholder 40 chances to win pots that were worth at least $100 upwards to $250. In addition, extra games were available to buy into. Cards for these were $1 each and paid a minimum of $100 per game.
Years ago, former veteran Andy Gero, who has since died, was the person who came up with the idea of holding a bingo event to raise money to benefit the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Though the amount of money raised at the Aug. 16 event has yet to be calculated, according to veteran and member Lynn McGinnis proceeds will be split between the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars.
“We are still waiting for several donations,” said McGinnis. “We split the funds raised between the Legion and VFW. [This] allows us to more fully cover all veterans and active duty needs in the Crescenta Valley.”
Highlights of the evening included an appearance and certificate presentation by Rep. Judy Chu. Chu was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in July 2009. She represents the 28th Congressional District, which includes Pasadena and the west San Gabriel Valley of Southern California that embraces La Cañada and La Crescenta. After making the presentation, Chu called the first game of the night.
Another highlight was a presentation to the veterans by Declan Floyd on behalf of State Senator Anthony Portantino. Floyd can often be found at community events, especially when the senator is unavailable.
McGinnis confirmed that another bingo event benefitting the Legion and VFW would be held next year.