Celebrating La Crescenta 91214 on 9/12/14

File photos The community is invited to visit some of the many places that make La Crescenta special on Friday, 9/12/14. These include the Les Mesnager barn at Deukmejian Park, Rockhaven Sanitarium, the flood monument and the La Crescenta Woman’s Club, which will be hosting a reception from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
File photos
The community is invited to visit some of the many places that make La Crescenta special on Friday, 9/12/14. These include the Les Mesnager barn at Deukmejian Park, Rockhaven Sanitarium, the flood monument and the La Crescenta Woman’s Club, which will be hosting a reception from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Many think living in La Crescenta is great, and on Friday, 9/12/14, you can take a self-guided tour of some of the best spots in the 91214.


Although many La Crescenta landmarks have been lost to fire, flood or development, there is still a lot to be treasured. On 9/12/14, the community is encouraged to visit some of the historic spots that make living in this part of the foothills special.

Celebrating La Crescenta 91214 (the area’s zip code) takes place on Friday, Sept. 12, 2014. A self-guided driving tour highlights just some of the places that make the 91214 special. (A map of those locations with a brief description of each is on page 9.) From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., some of the places will have a person onsite to talk about the history of the landmark. At others, it is an opportunity to drive by, stop, read a plaque or just to get to see those locations you may have forgotten about or maybe visit for the first time.

Being a self-guided tour means people can drive, or bike, at their own pace; however, please note that the gates of the Ananda Ashrama at 5301 Pennsylvania Ave. close automatically at 6 p.m. Also, the community is invited to a Celebrating La Crescenta 91214 reception from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the La Crescenta Woman’s Club.

Sites to visit on 9/12/14 include the flood memorial at the corner of Rosemont Avenue and Fairway Avenue. A plaque on the site details the tragic events that unfolded on Jan. 1, 1934. Another spot is the Pickens Pocket Park at the northeast corner of Briggs Avenue and Foothill Boulevard that was dedicated by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich on March 19, 2008.  Many are unfamiliar with the Ananda Ashrama at 5301 Pennsylvania Ave. It was founded in 1923 and sits on over 120 acres of hillsides, canyons, and meadows. The community is invited to drive onto the grounds and acquaint themselves with this part of La Crescenta history. As noted above, the gates to the Ashrama close automatically at 6 p.m. so make sure and stop by early.

“Various locations will have tours and open houses that serve to highlight what we are blessed with here in La Crescenta,” said CV Chamber of Commerce President Steve Pierce, who is on the committee for planning the Celebrating La Crescenta 91214 event.

While many of the sites serve to remind residents of the rich history of La Crescenta, the Crescenta Commons on the southwest corner of Rosemont Avenue and Orange Avenue, next to Monte Vista Elementary School, offers a glimpse of the future. Those who stop by will see the progress being made in  turning the former dirt lot into a place for folks and students to gather. People who visit on Friday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. will have the chance to sign the scroll that will be placed in a time capsule and lowered into the completed monument.

Pierce is a longtime La Crescenta resident. He is hopeful that people will take some time to take part in Celebrating La Crescenta 91214.

“We hope that people will get out of their homes, get away from their normal day-to-day activities, and take the time to appreciate what we have in our community,” he said.