CV Town Council meets tonight


The Crescenta Valley Town Council will be meeting tonight, Thursday, at 7 p.m. in the La Crescenta Library community room.
The monthly meeting is normally on the third Thursday of the month however this month the date was changed due to a conflict with Crescenta Valley High School’s Back to School night.
Tonight the meeting’s main topic will be the proposed Crescenta Valley Water District rate hikes.
CVWD has scheduled a public meeting on Oct. 19 at the district’s office. Appearing at the CVTC meeting tonight gives residents a chance to voice their concerns and hear from CVWD representatives prior to the district meeting.
Due to a domino-like affect, the water hike, according to CVWD, is due to the increased costs of importing water from Foothill Municipal Water District, which is responding to the Metropolitan Water District increase, the company that supplies water to the FMWD.
In addition to water rates, the council will also hear from a Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation representative about a meeting concerning a community trail.
Three regular and three alternate seats are available in this November’s CVTC election. Residents are encouraged to come to the meetings and learn how the council works. If anyone is interested in becoming a candidate for the town council an application is available online at
The CVTC Annual Pancake Breakfast is Oct. 23 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tickets are $5 and will be available at tonight’s meeting. The fundraiser supports non-profit organizations around Crescenta Valley and the CVTC scholarship program.