Tough Week

So last week stunk. In addition to the burglary of CV Weekly our building lost Internet on Tuesday and Wednesday. This meant that we had to build the paper remotely from home. And, to top it off, one of my delivery drivers quit and I had to deliver papers on Thursday. Ugh! (Thankfully our office manager Rachelle has found a new driver.)

As most of you know, the CV Chamber of Commerce is in the (painful) process of rebuilding. Part of that rebuilding was vacating our old office on Foothill Boulevard, which we had been in for years. Where did we move? To the offices of CV Weekly! So in addition to stealing from the newspaper the slime bucket also stole from the CV Chamber.

I know – it could have been worse. No one was on-site at the time of the break-in so no one was hurt. None of our work computers were stolen except for our office manager’s iPad. However, a digital camera that Mary O’Keefe uses regularly was stolen. Gift cards were stolen that were generously donated to us by local businesses for business purposes.

I think a young person broke in. Why? Well, in addition to the cash and gift cards, collectible items were taken that belonged to CV Weekly employees. For example, Mary had a display of in-the-box Star Trek Pez dispensers. He took that. She had a display of Star Trek figurines; he took only one: Captain Kirk.

Rachelle had Magic cards – he took those. He also took her backpack, which had the dog toys that her pup Indy played with before she died. The backpack isn’t expensive and can easily be replaced but the toys – well, they’re irreplaceable.

He took Mary O’Keefe’s Egyptian computer bag, which she’s had for over 30 years. It isn’t worth a thing … but it apparently caught his eye.

As the days go by we discover other items that were stolen. We’ll reach for something and it’s not there – it apparently was attractive to him and he took it.

Several people over the last week have called or stopped by to ask how they can support and/or contribute to the recovery of the CV Weekly and the chamber. In response Jessy Shelton has created a GoFundMe page that people can donate to. If you’re so inclined, I invite you to visit the GoFundMe page or mail a check to CV Weekly, 3800 La Crescenta Ave. #206, La Crescenta 91214.

Though I debated setting up a GoFundMe page, I came to the realization that people are mad that their paper – the CV Weekly – was assaulted. Consequently, many have asked the question “How can I help?”

I hope my decision provides a vehicle so they can help.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be reached at
or (818) 248-2740.