CVHS Student Named Youth Member of GUSD Board

By Julian MITCHELL, intern

Crescenta Valley High School senior Sophia James has been named this year’s Glendale Unified School District student board member.

The honor is given to one senior from within the five GUSD high schools. That student is the representative for all GUSD students at all GUSD board meetings.

“Tuesday night board meetings were a ritual in our family,” said Sophia.

She is no stranger to the GUSD system as both of her parents are elementary school teachers. Sophia was a part of the biweekly meetings her parents attended.

Sophia said she knew from the time she was in second grade that the student position would be hers one day. She started her career in school organizations on the Lincoln Elementary school council, where her father (and first grade teacher) Nicolas James led the program.

“A long time ago, I had thought how funny it would be if she ended up in that role,” said Nicolas, reminiscing about school board meetings past when Sophia was a young girl.

Nicolas was completely surprised when Sophia told him that she received the student board member position.

“She has always been a go-getter,” said Nicolas. “She’s a very caring soul.”

The role as student board member requires Sophia to act as a student leader for GUSD students. She is planning on visiting other GUSD high schools to see what activities and programs the students enjoy and what GUSD can do to further improve campus life.

“Even if you go to CV, you can be friends with people from GHS,” said Sophia.

She hopes to help break down some of the existing divisions among the high schools and promote pride for GUSD as a district. Her father hopes to help in any way possible, as he too believes that division amongst the GUSD schools is an issue as well.

“We’re one school district, we should be proud,” said Sophia.

She was previously a part of the GUSD student board. After speeches by candidates and approval of candidates’ transcripts, the board votes for the GUSD student board member.

Although Sophia hopes to become a leader in whatever field she ends up in, she hopes in particular to enter the medical field.