Glendale Police Chief Carl Povilaitis Retires After 32 Years on the Force

Retiring Chief Povilaitis shows off memorabilia (Including his gun) from his 32 years of service in the Glendale Police Department. He joined by, from left, Capt. Robert William, Capt. Toby Darby, and Acting Chief Andrew Jenks.
Photos by Ruth SOWBY


“There’s still a part of me that’s a cop at heart,” said Police Chief Carl Povilaitis at his retirement party on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 5. The party, held at the Glendale PD headquarters, had snacks aplenty and drinks (the non-alcoholic kind). Dozens of chairs were quickly setup to handle the unexpected numbers of well-wishers determined to give the chief a rousing send off. Community leaders expressed their respect for the chief in the form of framed certificates of appreciation and memories filled with much good humor. 

Crescenta Valley Chamber President Michael Riley presented Povilaitis with one of the many certificates of appreciation. Humorously describing the traffic tickets the chief gave over the years, Riley turned the tables on him and said, “Pull it over, Povilaitis!”    

Crescenta Valley Camber of Commerce President Mike Riley lauds retiring Glendale Police Chief Carl Povilaitis for his 32 years of service to the community.

Glendale City Manager Roubik Golanian described the chief’s penchant for a steak at Harris Ranch. 

“Now you will have time to fly there (the chief is a pilot), put down on the landing strip and enjoy your steak, medium rare,” Golanian said.

“Carl is someone who gave the city his all. He loves Glendale,” said Glendale Mayor Ardy Kassakhian. “We are the city we are because of his dedication.” 

Retiring Glendale Police Chief Carl Povilaitis is joined by Glendale Mayor Ardy Kassakhian (at right) and Glendale City Councilmember Ara Najarian.

Glendale City Councilmembers were also present and posed for photos with the soon-to-be retired chief.    

State Senator Anthony Portantino was no less enthusiastic. 

“Carl would corner me at breakfast at the Elks Club and talk to me about legislative issues concerning law enforcement,” Portantino said. “A lot of you don’t know that.”  

State Senator Anthony Portantino presents to Chief Povilaitis a California Senate Resolution of Appreciation. The Senator also spoke during The Chief’s retirement party.

Glendale Community College Police Chief Gary Montecuollo recalled the surprising day when “Carl brought over a meal when I had surgery.”  

Representatives from Glendale Kiwanis, Rotary, the Elks, the Glendale Library and Glendale Memorial Hospital showered the chief with more plaques and certificates. Posing for pictures with Povilaitis became the order of the day.     

When it was time for him to speak, more than 100 supporters gave him a standing ovation. 

“I have some trepidation,” he said. “I have always been active. I will still live in Glendale. I just put a deck on my house and plan to start a community newsletter.

“I have made Glendale a little better than I found it.”