Hike with the Mayor to Celebrate 30 Years of Open Space

The City of La Cañada Flintridge is celebrating 30 years of open space with the anniversary of the acquisition of Cherry Canyon.

On Oct. 22 at 9:30 a.m., the mayor will lead a hike from the Hampstead Road Trailhead to Ultimate Destination Point, where a celebration with refreshments will take place at 10:30 a.m. Parking is extremely limited near the trailhead, participants are encouraged to carpool and utilize the shuttle bus service from the Descanso Gardens parking lot. The shuttle bus will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on event day.

The hike will last approximately two hours. Some parts of the hike involve traversing steep slopes (hiking shoes are recommended) and only children 6 years and older should participate.

An event map can be found at http://www.lcf.ca.gov/open-space-celebration.

The City acquired the first parcels of open space that make up Cherry Canyon in 1986 with the help of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. The area was threatened with development and the City and other interested parties sought to preserve this natural community treasure.

“Cherry Canyon is a special place in our community. Families, the equestrian community, hikers and mountain bikers traverse this natural landscape daily to experience the majestic beauty of these mountains,” said Mayor Jonathan Curtis. “I am honored to lead members of the community on a journey to celebrate the open space in our community and the City’s role in its preservation.”

Cherry Canyon has many trails that are a part of the City’s extensive trail network. Trails are maintained in partnership with the La Cañada Flintridge Trails Council and the County of Los Angeles.

For more information, please contact Gregory Kwolek, Management Analyst, at 818-790-8882 or gkwolek@lcf.ca.gov.