Glendale is still trying to add up the price tag for the city’s costs in dealing with the largest fire in L.A. County history, the Station Fire.
The council on Oct. 20 approved creating a $550,000 fund out of the unappropriated reserve. The money will be allocated to public works and parks and recreation, and will represent the city dime. No grants are expected, and federal and state funding has largely stopped with the end of the actual fire.
Costs will involve ongoing expenses for the 700-plus acres of burned hillside, along with continued efforts
to assist local residents with the costs of securing against land slippage along the fire lane. Remediation efforts included 13,000 sand bags, 3,000 linear feet of K-rails and cleaning out debris basins and storm drains, among other expenses.
Efforts in the hillsides will likely continue for the next several years, and early detection and evacuation plans will be developed to deal with future rain emergencies.
A report on plans for park remediation
and costs is being developed and will be brought to the council. By Charles Cooper