Ivy Hopper is a teen columnist who talks with authors and fans of books that are currently being read by today’s youth. This week Matt Shively, Nickelodeon’s True Jackson, VP chats with Ivy about his broken heart.
Matt and I talked about a breakup code that is in the novel The Heartbreakers by Pamela Wells.
The Heartbreakers is about three breakups, four friends, and 29 rules on how to get over a breakup.
by Pamela Wells.
Rule 1: You must not e-mail The Ex ever again. Take The Ex name off your e-mail list.
Rule 2: You must not call The Ex’s voice mail just to hear your Ex’s voice.
Rule 3: You must not write The Ex text messages saying you miss The Ex!
Rule 9: Do not allow The Ex to talk to you for longer than two minutes during the initial three-month cooling off period. You must not be The Ex’s friend.
Rule 12: You must never date a friend of The Ex.
Rule 22: You must never follow The Ex or ask The Ex’s friends to put in a good word for you.
Rule 24: You must never ask or beg The Ex to date you again, nor should The Ex ever see you cry about the breakup. …..
Here is what Matt had to say to me:
Ivy: What do you like to be called?
Matt: I like to be called Matt.
Ivy: Do you remember the first girl who broke your heart?
Matt: Of course! How can you ever forget.
Ivy: What do you remember about her?
Matt: She had the greatest smile I have ever seen, still to this day.
Ivy: What did you like most about her?
Matt: She was always laid back and never got jealous of anything.
Ivy: What do you miss about her?
Matt: The kisses, they were always sooo perfect.
Ivy: What was her first name?
Matt: Jessica.
Ivy: Do you still speak to her?
Matt: I caught up with her about 6 months ago for like a day, but it was over Facebook, and we kinda just knew not to speak to each other anymore. Too much emotion even after 5 years.
Ivy: Which rule from THE HEARTBREAKERS by Pamela Wells would be hard for to follow if you if you had just gone thru a breakup?
Matt: Rule 3: You must not write The Ex text messages saying you miss The Ex!
Ivy: Why would this rule be hard?
Matt: All I do is text and since I am afraid of confrontation over the phone I always text what I feel, which in the end I would text her all the time because of it.
Ivy: Which rule from THE HEARTBREAKERS by Pamela Wells would be easy for you?
Matt: Rule 1: You must not email The Ex ever again. Take the Ex name off your email list.
Ivy: Which rule at first glance from THE HEARTBREAKERS by Pamela Wells do you think would be most helpful if you were going thru a break up now?
Matt: Rule 3: You must not write The Ex text messages saying you miss The Ex!
Ivy: What is your favorite rule from THE HEARTBREAKERS by Pamela Wells?
Matt: Rule 9: Do not allow The Ex to talk to you for longer than two minutes during the initial three-month cooling off period. You must be The Ex friend.
Ivy: Why is this your favorite rule?
Matt: Because it’s so straightforward and precise, the whole two min and stuff I find it funny.
Ivy: What is your least favorite rule?
Matt: Rule 1: You must not email The Ex ever again. Take the Ex name off your email list.
Ivy: Why is this your least favorite rule?
Matt: Because I would never do it, I don’t send Emails to anyone but the people I work with, I cant ever imagine sending an email to my ex.
Ivy: What rule is the most helpful to get a broken heart thru a breakup?
Matt: Rule 12: You must never date a friend of The Ex.
Ivy: Are you dating anyone now?
Matt: Ummmm, you could say that, I am not someone to put titles on things, so I will never say I am dating someone I will just more or less know. But yes kinda.
Ivy: How many hearts have you broken?
Matt: Whew I would love to be able to say zero but I know it’s probably been at least four unfortunately.
Ivy: Why is A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints your favorite movie?
Matt: It’s the most Gritty film I have ever seen, I would say Shia is great but the entire cast holds their own, its just such and amazing film all together.
Ivy: What do you love about the movie?
Matt: I love the shower scene between Shia and his father, breath taking.
Ivy: What was it about your 4th grade play that made you want to be an actor?
Matt: I just remember right before the curtains went up I had to go lay on the foot of the stage in front of 300 people and I was sitting there fake sleeping and I looked at all of them smiling and I knew I want to entertain people for the rest of my life, I want to see these smiles more and more.
Ivy: Who is your favorite actor?
Matt: Shia LaBeouf
Ivy: Who do you look up to in the biz?
Matt: Shia LaBeouf or Bradley Cooper
Ivy: What breakup rule in THE HEARTBREAKERS by Pamela Wells would Ryan like?
Matt: He would like all of them because he would want to break all of them.
Ivy: Matt, thanks for talking to me about the breakup code in THE HEARTBREAKERS by Pamela Wells.