The storefront formerly occupied by Rocky Cola on the northwest corner of Verdugo Boulevard and Honolulu Avenue will have to remain unoccupied for a while longer.
The site at 2201 Honolulu Ave. has remained empty since Rocky Cola Café closed its doors in 2012. Since then, the space has been acquired by restaurateur Tom Christopoulos, a long time resident of La Cañada Flintridge, who announced earlier this year that he intended to open up an eatery at the location, which he named Gus & Andy’s Montrose Grill. He had previously opened restaurants in Santa Clarita and Washington, D. C.
According to Christopoulos, the city has yet to approve his proposal for a full-service restaurant with an on-site bar. In an interview he gave the Crescenta Valley Weekly in August, he referred to his restaurant as “fresh casual and family-oriented.”
According to a follow-up phone interview last week, his plan for Gus & Andy’s would be “unique to Glendale for sure.”
“There’s one in Pasadena, and a few in Los Angeles and Orange County. But nothing like this in Glendale, no,” he said.
He speculated that the uniqueness of his plan in Glendale may be slowing down the review process by the city.
“The [permits] are still under review,” said Dennis Joe, Glendale City planner.
The applications on file with the city include converting the regular restaurant to a fast food restaurant. There is another permit concerning a parking variance and an alcohol permit.
Joe stressed that the new owners are not asking for the restaurant to be a bar, where someone can come in and order just alcoholic drinks, but the drink must be in conjunction with a meal. It is similar to Blaze Pizza in La Cañada and Chipotle in Glendale. The new restaurant will have customers order at the register but a waiter will bring food to the customer, similar to Panera restaurants, he added.
Right now, the planning commission is looking for availability on the calendar.
“We will try to get it reviewed as quick as possible,” Joe said.
There is a limited number of hearings during the holiday and Joe said he would estimate it would be in early 2018 before the proposal will be reviewed.
“We’re hoping to have this ready by next year,” he said, adding that the Gus & Andy’s may not be open until spring 2018.
Until then, businesses and local residents will have to remain patient for the lights to come back on.
Mary O’Keefe contributed to this story.