From the Desk of the Publisher


There are typically two times a year that I share with you the blessings that I have been given. One is right around the anniversary of when I started the Crescenta Valley Weekly, which was the first week of September 2009. The second time is now, Thanksgiving.

Despite the numerous trials over the years and especially for the many times I’ve (surprisingly!) came out unscathed, I am thankful. Short payrolls, broken equipment and staff who decided that Wednesday (production day) was the only time that grievances could be aired could have made me throw my hands up in the air and shout, “Uncle!” Yet unexpected angels seemed to hover around me to offer support and comfort. These oftentimes were in the form of my husband Steve.

Not always known for having a soft touch, Steve will make me stiffen my spine to deal with the issue at hand. But rather than throw me to the wolves, he will give me direction on how to best cope with whatever “it” is.

Mary O’Keefe is a woman who has earned my respect. Though she juggles an incredible load she tries to never say “no” to any request. She also loves hunting down a good story and is not afraid of asking tough questions. She is one reason this paper is as good as it is. Congratulations to her being honored this week by Supervisor Michael Antonovich at the board of supervisors meeting.

My sales people, designers, office manager, writers, proof readers and photographers also take the burden off me by being so good at their jobs.

Our distribution people – the ones who get up before dawn to make sure our subscribers get their papers bright and early – do a job I would never want to do. They take their job seriously and work hard to get the papers where they need to be. If they fall short of that goal, they listen when they’re told that they need to step it up.

I am also so very grateful for the opportunity to reach out and share my thoughts with our readers every week. Though it is seldom a work of art, what I write is most often a reflection of what is either going in my life personally or in the community overall. I appreciate that you indulge me.

I hope that, like me, you will have a chance to sit down to a lovingly prepared (and delicious) Thanksgiving meal with loved ones and that you, too, will have blessings to reflect upon.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta  Valley Weekly. She can be  reached at   or (818) 248-2740.
Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta
Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.