Bike lane work scheduled

By Charles COOPER

Bicycle lanes will be constructed in each direction on Foothill Boulevard during a street resurfacing project on the county stretch of the main thoroughfare.
Steve Pierce, president of the Crescenta Valley Town Council, is a strong advocate of the program, which will proceed from about Briggs Avenue to Pennsylvania.
“It will give people a chance to get out of their cars and really use local businesses,” he said. “We hope to work with the historical society to designate points of interest along the way.”
Pierce said the next challenge would be to install bicycle racks along the way to make it easier for people to stop and visit those spots. The continuing hope is to make Foothill more pedestrian friendly and attractive to residents and businesses.
He said he hopes Glendale, which is producing a community plan for its portion of La Crescenta, will be able to link up to the effort to upgrade the street, which now runs through La Cañada, La Crescenta, Los Angeles county and Los Angeles City. Pierce said the Foothill route is the most likely for a successful bike lane because of the grade involved in north/south roads.
The city of Glendale is making a concentrated attempt to encourage bicycle lanes as a means of dealing with congested traffic. Discussions are now underway for locations for bike racks in the Montrose Shopping Park.
The Foothill resurfacing is due to begin next month, and will take about 30 days. The cost of the project is $455,000. The county originally scheduled the work for December, but delayed it at the request of merchants to avoid blocking holiday traffic.