Arroyos and Foothills Neighbors Unite to Stabilize Slopes and Prevent Fires

The holidays present distinctive erosion related challenges for the Arroyos and Foothills communities of Los Angeles. In 2003, the area experienced property-damaging mudslides on Christmas Day, and 2009 also saw significant rainy season slides.

“This is a beautiful area. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else,” said Paul Rabinov, co-chair of the Friends of the Rosemont Preserve. “It has been a few years since we’ve had a significant fire or slide. That’s usually when we should worry.”

This year, neighbors and community members united to prevent future wildfires and mudslides, disasters often considered natural.

“Removing invasive plants and planting natives helps prevent disasters often considered beyond community control. These strategies also beautify the foothills and support native wildlife,” explained Barbara Goto, director of operations, Arroyos and Foothills Conservancy.

Thirty volunteers removed invasive grasses and other unwanted plants, installed coco fiber rolls to prevent erosion, and planted more than 80 specimens of several native species. Because native plants are adapted to California’s climate and soils, they resist fire and stabilize slopes more effectively than the plants they replaced.
“It’s inspirational to see neighbors working side-by-side to address these issues,” said Cassy Aoyagi, president, FormLA® Landscaping, who, alongside her husband Kirk, helped guide volunteers. “The truth is our landscaping decisions can either mitigate or exacerbate fires and slides.”

The community members completed the project over two days in November, just in time for the rainy season.

“We learned a great deal in the course of this pilot project, most notably that the concept of combining beautification with fire protection is valid and valuable,” said John Howell, chief executive officer, Arroyos and Foothills Conservancy. “It’s fulfilling to look back at a hillside and know we’ve done what we can to protect our neighbors.”

The Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy (AFC) and its affiliate, Friends of the Rosemont Preserve, have a mission to preserve land and restore habitat in and around the San Gabriel and Crescenta Valleys, thereby protecting natural areas for birds and wildlife and providing access and educational experiences for the community.  Website:

The Rosemont Preserve is 7.75 acres of open land at the northern end of Rosemont Avenue in La Crescenta. AFC acquired the property in 2012, and it is now one of eight properties totaling 104 acres owned in perpetuity by AFC as part of its mission to preserve and protect open space in the arroyos and foothills in the San Gabriel and La Crescenta Valleys and beyond.