Richard Joseph Pool

Nov. 9, 1952 – Dec. 30, 2019

Richard Joseph Pool, 67, leaves behind his wife Gayle Bartos-Pool of Tujunga; sister Maurine Pool of San Diego; brother Michael Pool of Fresno; and many others who loved him.

Richard was a man of humility, resilience and quiet love. A 32-year resident of Tujunga, he was born and raised in Henderson, Texas. He graduated from Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, Texas. His career was in the oil and banking fields with his most recent job at Bank of New York Mellon in downtown Los Angeles. He retired in June.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Esther Torres Pool and Herman Pool and his older brother, Thomas, who was killed in Vietnam in 1967.

Richard, you are now in their embrace. God bless you.

You can find an interactive memorial page for Richard at