Raymonde Lewis

Sept. 24, 1926 to April 21, 2019

The 62 years that Raymonde Lewis lived in the Crescenta Valley were a radical departure from everything she knew her first 17 years growing up in a tiny village in France. Five of those years the town was under German occupation during WWII. Raymonde spoke no English when, as the teenage bride of American soldier Donald Lewis, she came to this country and devoted herself to homemaking and raising two children. She rapidly learned English and became a United States citizen in 1957.

At the age of 47, as an empty nester and with husband Don working full time at the family lighting and antique business, Raymonde submitted and won a proposal to deliver mail for the U.S. Postal Service. Her route, the notorious “Star Route,” delivered mail and packages to the Caltrans crew that maintained Angeles Crest Highway and also to Mount Wilson Observatory’s scientists and staff. The route, being one of the most dangerous mountain roads in the United States, did not deter her from carrying out the Postal Service mission. In 17 years and 5,270 or so trips, she never failed in the completion of her appointed rounds! The residents and staff referred to her as “the Good Samaritan of the Mountain.”

Raymonde’s abiding respect for life led her to a love of animals. She raised, trained and competed in dog obedience trials and loved the dogs and cats she had throughout her life. Though deathly afraid of them, she would use the golf club she kept in her vehicle to lift rattlesnakes and other creepy crawlers off the roads to safety along the Star Route to prevent their untimely death on the heavily used Angeles Crest Highway. She fed the birds, squirrels and hummingbirds throughout her life and it brought her much joy. 

Upon retirement in 1991, Raymonde and Don became part time “desert rats” splitting their life between their home in Montrose and their “get away” in Desert Hot Springs. In the desert they enjoyed the quiet solitude and desert wildlife and entertained family and friends for many years.

Raymonde quietly passed away on April 21 this year. She was 92 years old and was able to achieve her dream and remain in her much cherished home in Montrose. She will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her. Bon voyage!

Funeral directors: CrippenMortuary.com