Harry Avant

1934 – 2022

Harry Avant always had something interesting to say and an interesting way of saying things.

While working for Aeronutronic, a defense related division of Ford Aerospace, in the 1960s he helped rebuild the electronics at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. He worked for the California Institute of Technology at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena for 20 years on the Viking, Skylab and Cassini missions. He wrote the interface that enabled the conversion of the digital data to analog from the Viking landers at JPL and Mission Control, allowing the world to see the first images from the surface of Mars.

Harry, 88, passed away Thursday evening, June 9, after a longterm chronic illness. He served in the Army during the 1950s. His amazing achievements spanned aerospace, computer science, photography and music. He had a sharp wit, sarcastic sense of humor and love for animals. Harry generously shared his vast knowledge with many. He will be greatly missed.

He was preceded in death by his son in 1989.