Marcy Carlson

Feb. 28, 1928 – July 5, 2024

On Feb. 28, 1928 Marcy was born to Abe and Mildred Filas in Spokane, Washington. As a youngster her family moved to Butte, Montana where she was often seen toddling behind her two older sisters Beverly and Adele. They found her to be an annoying little sister. As a teen, Marcy’s parents divorced and she and her father moved to Southern California. They eventually moved to Glendale where Bev and Adele were living. Marcy graduated from Glendale High School.

Marcy dreamed of being a nurse and since money was tight she decided to enter the military to pursue nursing. When World War II ended she went to work at a local industrial Urgent Care Center. Here her soon-to-be husband came to the facility after gashing his hand with a linoleum knife. Marcy was the assistant who helped tend to the wound. Rudy and Marcy were married on Jan. 28, 1949 at city hall in Glendale.

Postwar housing was hard to find but Rudy had a friend from his home town in Minnesota who owned some small units. They lived there a short time until they could buy their own home in Glendale. After a few years, the state bought the house for an off-ramp for the Golden State Freeway. Marcy found a newly built house La Crescenta where they moved in December 1954. They now had two young daughters, Sherry and Karen.

Marcy continued to work in the medical field doing both front and back office work. When the girls were in school, she became active in the local PTA, youth organizations, bowling leagues and the medical assistance professional organization. She never lost her goal of becoming a nurse and at the age of 50 she enrolled in the nursing program at Glendale Community College. She graduated from the program as a licensed vocational nurse (LVN). She worked as a nurse at La Cañada Medical Group (Dr. Purdy) and later for a cardiologist (Dr. Stark).

Marcy and Rudy made life-long friends on Third Avenue. They began to travel and loved Las Vegas, Laughlin and cruises. Marcy’s favorite trips were to Sweden to visit Rudy’s relatives.

Rudy died in 2003 and Marcy was determined to continue to live on Third Avenue. Unfortunately her mental capacity diminished and she was no longer safe in her home. She moved to a facility in Pasadena that housed patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia. She was a resident there for nearly 13 years until death took her at 96 years old.

She is survived by her two daughters Sherry Taylor and Karen Carlson; four grandchildren: Dr. Tammy Taylor, Christy Taylor (Michael Aguilera), Jens Fischer (Christine Kenney), Rio Fischer (Andreanne Breton-Carboneau); and five wonderful great grandchildren: Aliana, Paxton, Aceson, Brixon Taylor Aguilera and Fallon Fischer.

She died in Pasadena on July 5, 2024 a strong but vulnerable woman. She was cremated and her ashes scattered.