By McKenna MIDDLETON, intern
The power of youth is often underestimated, especially in regards to making a change for the better. Crescenta Valley High School Falcon Christian Fellowship club members strive to make the world a more accepting and loving place, starting from the halls of their high school. The FCF was formed to spread Christian love to friends, school and community.
“Our goal is not to ‘convert’ people. It is to bring God’s love to dark places where people feel turned off by religion or like they don’t belong anywhere. We work to shine the light of God’s love on all the people in this city,” FCF vice president Kieran O’Neil said.
The club meets every Friday at lunch, giving a new meaning to Falcon Friday, to worship together and discuss ways to bring the light of Jesus to the world around them. FCF gives students a place other than youth group to learn practical ways to share their faith with their peers. Many club members use FCF as a low-key way to invite friends into their faith.
Local youth pastors share testimonies as guest speakers most Fridays. Other weeks, the club breaks into smaller groups to discuss their walk with God and encourage one another on a more intimate level.
In addition to regular meetings, the club hosts various events to reach out to others in the community. This past December, the students led a praise night at First Baptist Church where community members of all ages and backgrounds gathered to worship and grow in fellowship. Another praise night is set on the evening of April 24 at the same location. The upcoming praise night is expected to be larger and reach even more people in the community.
In January, some of the club members took a trip to Biola for Turn Your Campus, a day of seminars focusing on evangelism in high school. Many of those who attended left feeling better prepared to share their faith with students around them.
Club members took a trip to Skid Row one Sunday morning with Christian Assembly to offer love and supplies to the less fortunate. FCF plans to take another trip to Skid Row in the near future as the experience was said to be humbling and rewarding.
FCF held a morning of prayer called “See You at the Pole,” a nationwide event held once a year when Christian students all over the country meet at their school’s flagpole to pray for spiritual revival in their school and community. Dozens of students attended before school that morning to pray and worship together, knowing there were others in fellowship around the United States doing the same.
The members of FCF continue to share their faith and love around the CVHS campus and the La Crescenta community as they grow in fellowship with each another. Through their efforts, they hope to see others receive and share love around the CVHS campus.