LaCanPres Program Announces Annual Fundraiser a Success

Dennis Carpenter was presented with a commendation from County Supervisor Michael Antonovich’s office by Field Deputy Rita Hadjimanoukian and Anne Bierling, director of Parent Education.

The Parent Education fundraiser event held on Friday, March 25 at the Café Santorini’s Rococo Room in Old Town Pasadena was “an amazing success,” according to organizers. The evening was emceed by Anne Bierling, director of the Parent Education Program, Dr. Rev. Chuck Osburn of La Cañada Presbyterian Church and John Cervenka, financial planner and former LCPC Parent Education participant.
Celebrating 32 years of providing quality education for parents throughout Los Angeles, the event was a fundraiser to support the program as well as an opportunity to recognize the people who serve and support the program. Prior to the event, the Parent Education board and staff established an annual “Shining Star Award” presented to a person who has made a significant contribution to the community, especially impacting its families and children.

By unanimous vote, the first Shining Star Award was given to Dennis Carpenter, a community member who has lived and served in La Cañada for 46 years.

Carpenter was the organization’s first Shining Star recipient.

Described by director Anne Bierling as a “volunteer extraordinaire” some of Carpenter’s service mentioned included  15 years as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity including the redesign of Habitat’s electrical system for home construction, a LCPC deacon, elder, Sunday school teacher, church camp and men’s retreat chair, Rock Building Committee member and Buildings & Grounds volunteer for over 20 years.

Parent Education event emcee Chuck Osburn with (from left) Parent Ed Chair Ginger Wilson, Shining Star Recipient Dennis Carpenter, Parent Ed Director Anne Bierling and event co-emcee John Cervenka.

His exemplary commitment to the Parent Education Program through building and maintenance support – including the construction of a new classroom and play yard – was also highlighted.
To honor his outstanding contributions to the community, Carpenter was awarded with an engraved clock from the Parent Education Program as well as a special  commendation from County Supervisor Michael Antonovich presented by Field Deputy Rita Hadjimanoukian.

The Parent Education Board members chairing the fundraiser gathered over 200 silent and live auction items and welcomed a guest list of 160 people. Those who attended the event enjoyed live jazz guitar provided by Ryan Dart and a Mediterranean feast while bidding on auction items.