Local Clergy Recognized by Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of La Cañada recognized the clergy of the churches of La Cañada Flintridge recently at its weekly luncheon meeting at Descanso Gardens. The club singled out Reverend Skip Lindeman, pastor of the La Cañada Congregational Church, for special honors. Pictured above from left are the clergy who were honored at this special event:

Dr. Gray Dennis, pastor of La Cañada Presbyterian Church, and his associate pastors Rev. Jim Milley and Kristin Leucht; Roger Anderson, counselor to Bishop Gennett of the First Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints; Rev. Bruce Johnson, pastor of the Lutheran Church in the Foothills; Rev. Kevin Kester, associate pastor of St. Bede the Venerable Roman Catholic Church; guest speakers who came to honor Rev. Lindeman, Rev. Charlie Van Dyke, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Glendale, and Rev. Lynn Walker, pastor of Los Alamitos Congregational Church; Al Restivo, Kiwanis event organizer; honoree Rev. Clifford “Skip” Lindeman of La Cañada Congregational Church; Rev. Monsignor Antonio Cacciapuoti, pastor of St. Bede the Venerable Roman Catholic Church; Mary Gant, president-elect of the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada; Bishop Glen Collier, Second Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints; and Rev. Tony Marti, OFM cap. president of St. Francis High School.

Councilman Donald Voss of the City of La Cañada Flintridge presented a special commendation from the city. In addition to the members of the club, 21 members of Reverend Lindeman’s congregation attended to honor their pastor.

Event organizer Restivo presented Lindeman with a special plaque from the members of Kiwanis and introduced each clergymember noting their self-less contributions to both their churches and the community.

In introducing the clergy, Restivo noted that the members of Kiwanis pray that the people of the community will learn through the examples et by the clergy that Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve and asked that God equip each pastor to endure hardship and to do the work of evangelists as they carry out their ministry.